Sunday, January 19, 2014

5 Morning Rituals for a Better Working Week

The weekend is over, and you might be feeling a little blue because of that. You remember your list of chores and think to yourself, "how am I going to get passed the next 5 (or 6) days?".

Here is a list of 5 morning rituals that will boost positivity in to your working week ahead:

1. Wear your favourite perfume

Putting on your best perfume early in the morning does not only boost your confidence when speaking with other people, but also subconsciously associates your day with good times.

2. Give a kiss to your significant other

Our daily routine sometimes puts us on an auto-pilot mode, and turns us into a robot during those 5-, or 6-days ahead. This, in turn, results at times into us ignoring our human element at home. From this day forward, before you leave your house, make it a habit to kiss your significant other; be it parents, spouse, or children. Such a small, routine, gesture will have a significant impact on your relationship at home, and will provide you with reason and motivation on to why you do everything that you do every single day.

3. Put on happy music in your car, and turn the volume a little up

It has been stated that listening to feel-good music in the morning can improve your memory performance, concentration, and attention. It has also been stated that music can reduce your blood pressure, and remedy headaches. Do you need any more reasons to crank up the volume a little and sing-along your feel good tunes?

4. Smile to everyone at work as you walk in, and greet them all with a cheerful 'Good Morning'

The simple act of smiling to, and greeting, your colleagues as you walk into the office sets a particular mood to your day ahead. Your colleagues will view you as a nice person; and in turn, will become more considerate of you when it comes to requests, and work in general.

If you smile at someone at work, and they don't smile back, don't worry, they may be going through a bad day. Just maintain the daily routine of kindness, and thoughtfulness; they are certain to appreciate it as soon as they come around it.

5. Cross-off as many of your easier tasks from your checklist, as early in the day as possible

Time management is always a challenge for everyone. The overwhelming feeling that you have loads of work to do can bring you down emotionally, and stress you out as well. To maintain your high, get around finishing off as many of those small and easy tasks that don't take time to finish. This way, you will have more time to focus on your bigger tasks and not feel as overwhelmed.

Follow Rami Jaber on Twitter: @JaberRami

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