Friday, August 14, 2015

Fantastic 4 Movie Review: NOT SO FANTASTIC!

No spoilers below.

The reboot of Fantastic Four has been released this weekend across the UAE. The film stars Miles Teller, Michael B. Jordan, Kate Mara, and Jamie Bell. Though the characters all belong in the Marvel universe, the movie itself belongs to the Fox Studios which means that at least for the time being, there isn't any connection between the Fantastic 4 and the Avengers within the cinematic universe (this needs a separate blog post to explain).

Back to the movie itself now. Don't worry, won't give away any spoilers so you can feel comfortable reading on should you actually be thinking of going to watch the movie.

From the get go, I was a little skeptical about the cast members being in the film. The nature of the characters of the comic Fantastic Four, in my opinion, is very far away from the usual nature of the characters that the cast members normally play in other films. As an example, I am used to Miles Teller being more of a cool, chilled out guy who you would actually enjoy hanging out with in real life. In the film, Teller is casted as Mr Fantastic who is meant to be a genius scientist devoted to his research; i.e. not that much of a cool guy. Mr Fantastic is not just one of the Fantastic Four members, he is the leader and the brains of the team, and the force that holds everyone together. This is why, throughout the movie, I was in complete disbelief that the character portrayed by Miles Teller is indeed Mr Fantastic...and was, in fact, more like someone trying hard (almost pushing it) to pretend to be him. Even during the scene that Teller assumes his leadership role in, he completely lacks the inspiration you expect from a leader of heroes in such situations, and his 1-line speech felt more like something he was reading off a teleprompter. I can go on about the other characters too and where I think their characters went wrong but I think you get the point.

The movie also lacked building up suspense. The main (and only) fight between our heroes and Dr Doom ended before it started. Come on, Fox! That was the moment everyone was waiting for, and you blew it? If that action scene was done right, the entire movie could have been screwed up the way it was and the entire world would have still forgiven you for it...but to even ruin that? Come on!

The movie felt like it was the first episode of a 2-hour TV-series. IMDB rates it 3.9 and if you were as hopeful as I was that maybe, just maybe, that rating was wasn't. If you do decide to go watch it, don't wait for a post credit scene. Again, that is something you would find in a Marvel Studios movie which Fantastic Four isn't (again, i'll explain more on this later). 

There are currently talks that a sequel may be planned for the movie and will be due for release sometime in 2017. Let us hope for all our sake that a miracle does happen, and that the movie gets salvaged by being handed over back to the Marvel Studios where it should belong in the first place.

Have you watched the movie? I would love to hear your thoughts too! Please share them either in the comments section below, or on social media (Facebook/Instagram).

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