Saturday, March 29, 2014

#EarthHourUAE - 5 tips that can stop climate change

Earth Hour is the world's largest grass-roots environmental initiative towards action on climate change. It is an opportunity for every single person around the world to join hands in taking a stand against climate change, and supporting the will of public behind tackling it.

Earth Hour 2014 is scheduled to take place today, March 29, at 8.30pm. With most of the UAE's landmarks switching off their lights as a sign of support, the UAE organizers of the initiative are inviting everyone to not just 'switch off', but also 'go beyond the hour'.

As Emirates Trends is a proud supporter of Earth Hour UAE, here are my top 5 tips that I personally like to follow as part of my responsibility towards the environment:

  1. Switch off your AC, and all your lights, as you are leaving your house/office. If your colleague's office's lights are switched on, and he/she isn't there, take initiative and switch them off too!
  2. Be conscience about how frequent you wash your car. What I do is that I normally wash it at the mall's parking (if service is available) at a once-a-week frequency. Most of the available service is eco-friendly, and I also get to spend my time at the mall doing something else! Two birds with one stone. For a full-car wash service, I opt for a once every 3-4 weeks frequency.
  3. Take quick showers. From personal experience, water tends to heat up faster during the early hours of the day
  4. Switch to energy saving light bulbs. Those things last longer too!
  5. While shaving, brushing your teeth, washing the dishes, etc, close the water tap when you aren't actually using the water! Common-sense, isn't it?

Happy Earth Hour everyone!

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