Saturday, March 22, 2014

#BOLDtalks - What is important versus what is urgent

BOLDtalks is a series of events that host a selection of acclaimed international speakers who present on a range of diversified discussions. 

The event moderator, Editorial Director for CPI Media Paul Godfrey, debated during his opening remarks today on the conflict between what is urgent versus what is important. Paul explains that we often spend our lives firefighting apparently vital trivia, and never getting the chance really to address the actions that would truly make a difference. Paul continued to discuss how successful people such as Bill Gates were able to achieve the success they have achieved simply because they were able to take a step back, and take a look at the wider picture in order to understand what truly matters to them, and act accordingly.

Paul Godfrey at BOLDtalks 2014

When putting matters through middle eastern context, it becomes a little trickier to make a black and white separation between what is important versus what is urgent to oneself. In fact, when a middle eastern person is in a situation to making a life-detrimental decision, he or she will think first of what the family will say about this, then think about what the friends will say, then consider the adaptability of this decision to social and cultural norms, and all this whilst fighting off everyone else who makes it their life mission to actively oppose and shutdown everything you do to become more successful. 

I guess all what I am trying to say here is that when we try to see the bigger picture in a middle eastern context, one must indeed consider many factors that include family, friends and society, in order to determine what truly is important. Only then, we can act accordingly.

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